Is God Calling You To Write a Book?

As a book editor, I meet a lot of writers who say something like this:

“God put it on my heart to write this book”

“God gave me this idea, so I’m compelled to share it”

“I feel called to release this book into the world”

My first reaction is, wonderful! As a writer, I too have felt prompted by God to put ideas onto paper. I have experienced the satisfaction of hearing from people that something I wrote helped them in some way.

So I’m glad you have a purpose一a sense that God is calling you to write.

But I also have an important question: Do you have a plan?

Your answer to this question will literally make or break your chance of getting published. While God may prompt you to write, he also calls you to steward your gifts, do your homework, and rely on other knowledgeable people to reach your goals, whether you’re trying to write a book, start a blog, or publish your work.

5 P’s of Book Planning

A simple framework to make your book irresistible.

Let us help you hone your book concept Click for Details!

A book deal一or any kind of writing success一doesn’t just fall into your lap. It takes grit, prayer, and a lot of help from others with more experience who desire to pour into you.

That’s why The Writers Circle exists: to put accomplished writers and publishing professionals in your circle, so you can be the writer God is calling you to be.

Here’s three ways we can help you get published:

#1 - We place experts in your corner, who give you actual feedback.

Think about the best books you’ve ever read, some of which are probably written by Christian authors. Were they called by God to write? Yes. Did they do so alone? Invariably, no. Every published book is shaped by a talented team, including peers, literary agents, editors, sensitivity and legal readers, marketers, and publicists.

It’s counterintuitive, but the most gifted people enlist more help, not less. Michael Jordan is a great example: he was arguably more talented than others, yet he recruited a robust team一including nutritionists and multiple physical trainers who focused on specific aspects of his game.

As a writer, you will only reach your full potential by collaborating with experts to help you grow. Sure, there are dozens of video libraries and Masterclass-style programs promising to “help you get published.”

However, to truly stand out and grow, what you really need is a group of experts who will analyze your ideas, shape your writing, build a relationship with you, and give you honest feedback.

At The Writers Circle, you don’t pay to watch videos. Instead, talented writers listen to your ideas in a cohort environment, then walk you step-by-step on how to polish your ideas into a marketable (and publishable) book.

Believe it or not, there are plenty of accomplished writers who are delighted to pour into you. These relationships aren’t easy to find, so let us make the connections for you. Your writing will never be the same.

#2 - We provide a community of fellow writers to support you.

Writing is difficult. It’s easy to compare yourself with others一especially those more accomplished than yourself一and feel discouraged.

At The Writers Circle, we know we are better together. We seek to place you in cohorts of like-minded writers who, like you, want to glorify God through their craft.

You need likeminded people, with similar goals, who can fan the flame of your writing passion when it’s waning. People who can speak into your ideas, affirm what’s excellent, and sharpen what’s weak.

That’s why everything we do happens in a cohort or coaching environment. Joining us means entering an edifying community.

#3 - We polish your proposal until it shines.

Did you know publishers turn down 95% of book proposals? That’s a sobering stat. As a writer, it’s easy to assume others will be just as excited about your ideas as you are. Sadly, this isn’t true.

Publishers field dozens of book proposals every week, so understandably, they have to be picky. Unless you stand out, you’ll get passed over.

The Writers Circle has developed a framework to help you create an impressive book proposal that represents your personality and ideas with stunning clarity. First impressions matter. We’re here to help you put your best foot forward. We can’t promise you’ll get published immediately, but we do promise to move you closer.

Yes, follow God’s lead to write a book!

Fellow writer, embrace God’s call on your life to glorify him with words.

In 2024, we invite you to join us for a digital or in-person cohort, where our team of published authors and editors will sharpen your book concept and walk you step-by-step through the process of creating a knockout book proposal.

Ready to see your writing reach new heights? We can’t wait to help you!



The #1 Thing Holding Writers Back